Termination of the Marine Observation Satellite-1/1b(MOS-1b) was
launched on February 7,1990 by an H-I launch vehicle. For over six
years it has been observing the earth environment by sending Multi-
spectoral Electronic Self-Scanning Radiometer(MESSR), Visible
and Thermal Infrared Radiometer(VTIR) and Micro Scanning Radio-
meter(MSR) data to the National Space Development Agency of Japan
(NASDA)/Earth Observation Center(EOC) and overseas ground stations.
However,degradation of the batteries installed on MOS-1b is becoming
evident.NASDA has been trying to find a way to continue routine operations.
Unfortunately,there does not appear to be a solution to the battery
degradation problem. Thus,NASDA has decided to terminate Termination
of the Marine Observation Satellite-1/1b(MOS-1/1b) operations by the end
of this April. The schedule for termination is shown below.
1.MOS-1b observation operations will finish on April 19, 1996.
2.After that,NASDA will perform final verification tests to confirm
its function and use up remaining fuel. The MOS-1b radio signal
will be turned off on April 26,1996.
On behalf of NASDA, I would like to sincerely express our appreciation
of your cooperation and our good relationship. We look forward to success
in ongoing and future missions.We are very sorry for any inconvenience
we may have caused you to your ground station by this sudden termination.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mr.Takao Fukuda
at any time. His phone number and E-mail address are below.
Termination of the Marine Observation Satellite-1/1b(MOS-1b) was launched on February 7,1990 by an H-I launch vehicle. For over sixyears it has been observing the earth environment by sending Multi-spectoral Electronic Self-Scanning Radiometer(MESSR), Visibleand Thermal Infrared Radiometer(VTIR) and Micro Scanning Radio-meter(MSR) data to the National Space Development Agency of Japan(NASDA)/Earth Observation Center(EOC) and overseas ground stations. However,degradation of the batteries installed on MOS-1b is becomingevident.NASDA has been trying to find a way to continue routine operations. Unfortunately,there does not appear to be a solution to the batterydegradation problem. Thus,NASDA has decided to terminate Termination of the Marine Observation Satellite-1/1b(MOS-1/1b) operations by the end of this April. The schedule for termination is shown below. 1.MOS-1b observation operations will finish on April 19, 1996. 2.After that,NASDA will perform final verification tests to confirm its function and use up remaining fuel. The MOS-1b radio signal will be turned off on April 26,1996. On behalf of NASDA, I would like to sincerely express our appreciation of your cooperation and our good relationship. We look forward to success in ongoing and future missions.We are very sorry for any inconvenience we may have caused you to your ground station by this sudden termination.If you have any questions or comments, please contact Mr.Takao Fukuda at any time. His phone number and E-mail address are below.
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