Applying for an I-20 Form
Please send the following documents:
1. A completed and signed TELC Application
2. A photocopy of your High School Diploma or University Transcript with an OFFICIAL English
3. A photocopy of your passport data pages and the passport data pages of anyone who will be
accompanying you.
4. Payment for the non-refundable $200 processing fee. You can pay this $200 fee by:
(a) Sending a money order or
bank draft made payable to
LaGuardia Community College
OR (b) Filling out the Credit Card
Authorization form in this packet.
5. Financial documentation. The Immigration and Naturalization Service of the United States requires us to
estimate the yearly expenses of our students before we can issue an I-20. The following is our estimate of
how much money you will need for each year of study at TELC. Your financial documentation should
reflect these amounts. All financial documents must be translated into English. Bank account balances
must be stated in U.S. dollars. TELC reserves the right to change schedules and fees.
Tuition & Fees: $5,000 Living Expenses: $12,000 Other Expenses: $2,500 TOTAL: $19,500