Abstract Traditional healers (mor baan) played an
important role in Thai health long before the introduction
of Western medicine. Although modern health professional
play a key role of health care provider of Thai health care
system, traditional healers and their practice still exist in
most rural areas of Thailand. In this article, we address the
roles and practices of traditional healers in southern Thailand.
An ethnographic method was employed. This
approach is the hallmark method used to describe the role
and the practice of traditional healers and to grasp in-depth
understanding of their everyday life. Participation observation
and unstructured interview with 18 traditional
healers were conducted. Thematic analysis method was
used to analyse the data. Most of the traditional healers
chose their role because they were influenced by their
ancestors, although a few others chose it because of individual
interests and a desire to help ill people. All are
trained in multiple skills, using supernatural spirits, ceremonies
and natural plant products as resources for counteracting
various health problems. They refer patients to
modern hospitals or other healers if they cannot adequately
manage illness themselves. Their service provision is
flexible and based on a holistic approach that suits people’s
lifestyles and needs. The role of traditional healer tends not
to attract the interest of younger generations, although
traditional healers have contributed greatly to people’s
health. Their presence improves people’s access to
healthcare and offers an alternative to modern medicine,
which often has a limited role. We conclude that the services
of traditional healers should be incorporated into
contemporary healthcare provision of Thai health care
Abstract Traditional healers (mor baan) played animportant role in Thai health long before the introductionof Western medicine. Although modern health professionalplay a key role of health care provider of Thai health caresystem, traditional healers and their practice still exist inmost rural areas of Thailand. In this article, we address theroles and practices of traditional healers in southern Thailand.An ethnographic method was employed. Thisapproach is the hallmark method used to describe the roleand the practice of traditional healers and to grasp in-depthunderstanding of their everyday life. Participation observationand unstructured interview with 18 traditionalhealers were conducted. Thematic analysis method wasused to analyse the data. Most of the traditional healerschose their role because they were influenced by theirancestors, although a few others chose it because of individualinterests and a desire to help ill people. All aretrained in multiple skills, using supernatural spirits, ceremoniesand natural plant products as resources for counteractingvarious health problems. They refer patients tomodern hospitals or other healers if they cannot adequatelymanage illness themselves. Their service provision isflexible and based on a holistic approach that suits people’slifestyles and needs. The role of traditional healer tends notto attract the interest of younger generations, althoughtraditional healers have contributed greatly to people’s
health. Their presence improves people’s access to
healthcare and offers an alternative to modern medicine,
which often has a limited role. We conclude that the services
of traditional healers should be incorporated into
contemporary healthcare provision of Thai health care
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