This is the third week of English for Culture Communication. After I had suggestion about doing the assignment. I had know that our work is not good. I had realized in my homework that I have to improve my skills more and more. I need to improve myself more and more . I must understand in the assignment before did it. Because, if we don’t understand, it’s will affect to the works. Exactly , the affect is not good. It’s make me just spent and lose time in this part. So , have to realize more and more. And in this week , I had learn about using blogger for hand in assignment in online system. I had learnt how to create the blog , how to put the data in the blog. At first I got the problem that cannot create the blog because I never create the blog before and I also don’t understand how to create it.But I got the helping from friends and the professor. It ’s very benefit for us, because , nowadays around the world we use technology in each part of our daily life such as entertainment logistic industrial medical and education. After we graduate we can apply this knowledge to use in work place. And we will be the person who easy to understand about this when working. When we graduate our life will change, it is not same student’s life . We will meet new society, new friends which is everybody have difference lifestyle ,difference ideas. We have to adapt our mild to another. And we have to smart in working because if don’t smart. It’s very hard to working with another person. It is the real life it’s not the student life ,we will be adult have to have responsibility in own work. if we are working and don’t understand in each assignment in each responsibility. We cannot pass and get the money. We will get warning first but if the second third we will get Retirement from the company. Cannot excuse anymore . We have to find new job which is finding new job it’s not the easy thing. If we don’t have knowledge. We cannot work well. So, when we had assignment , we have to make sure and understand with it repeatedly until understand. Then before do it we have to plane have to create that what we will do