3. Include exercise in your day. Not only can exercising your brain help it, but exercising other parts of your body may help, too.
4. Eat a good breakfast. Eating the right breakfast can have quite an impact on brainpower.
5. Limit the television you watch. When you watch TV, your brain goes into neutral. In one study says that people watching TV had increased alpha brain waves—their brains were in a passive state as if they were just sitting in the dark.
6. Laugh. Studies have shown that people are typically better at solving exercises designed to measure creative thinking right after exposure to comedy
7. Learn something new. By learning something else, you are exercising an important skill of your brain - the ability to learn. By searching wikihow or some other site, you can learn something that will be helpful to you in the future and help your brain, too.
8. Don't do stuff you don't want to do. If you get bored doing mental math’s problems, don't do them. Don't feel you have to do it just to make your brain better. If you don't enjoy it, you won't learn anything!