We will find or know somebody. Whether as anything
One thing that should always be remembered is...
The "people" are living organisms that have both positive and negative aspects in it.
Don't mean to 1 person too, because nobody wants to be the cause of the failure.
Don't expect too many people to 1 person, because no matter what anybody would like to have a single.
Don't try to change too many people there, because one person is not the identity of the Canal itself.
Don't control life 1 too many people because humans tend to find a way to insert out of the rule is defined.
Don't coerce people 1 person more than this because if the other person is out of recession was coerced.
You will become a person turn away immediately.
Try to look at me, I wanted to have a breath is not a painting to be beautiful at all times.
I own a person as a creature with 2 sides as well, curious guy wants to practice, learn and not change....