The purpose of t h i s study was to examine the
re la tio n sh ip between the communication/social s k i l l s of
Thai sojourners and the process of th e ir cu ltu ral
ad a p ta tio n , focusing on the communication/social
d if f ic u lty experienced in everyday social s itu a tio n s .
Communication and adaptation are regarded as inseparable,
interdependent processes. Subjects for the study were 266
Thai stu d en ts and 304 American stu d en ts. Both student
groups completed a survey Instrument assessing
communication/social d if f ic u lty experienced in various
com m unication/social s itu a tio n s . The Thai stu d e n ts a lso
completed an Instrument measuring th e ir level of c u ltu ral
a d a p ta tio n . As a framework for the study a d i s t i n c t i v e
th e o re tic a l p ersp ectiv e was provided which combined the
p ersp ectiv es of the s tra n g e r, c u ltu re learn in g /so cial
s k i l l s , coordinated management of meaning, and
communication and ad ap tatio n . Three primary research
questions governed th is d is s e rta tio n and were te s te d with
appropriate s t a t i s t i c a l procedures.