This may,in part, explain that scary feeling you may have experienced in a dream when you try to escape from someone or something, only to fine you're rooted to the spot. But maybe it's a good thing you can't move around freely while you dream.
Otherwise, one night in the middle of a dream about your current crush, you might awaken to find yourself knocking at his or her fron door in an effort to act out your dream!
The Sleep Cycle
Even though you don't always remember your dreams, you dream every night. Your brain is a dream machine, producing over two hours' worth of dreams during eight hours of sleep.
Some research show that most people
experience anywhere from three to nine dreams a night.
When you first begin to fall asleep , you are in non-REM sleep. There are four stages to non-REM sleep:Stage I begins when you first feel drowsy and start to fall asleep. You then pass through stages 2, 3, and 4. Each stage puts you into a deeper and deeper sleep.
After reaching stage 4, the deepest stage of sleep, You return through stages 3 and 2 back to stage 1. You then enter REM sleep and begin dreaming.
REM sleep is a light state of sleep. But even if sleep is disturbed-let's say the alarm clock goes off-you may not wake up easily if you're in the middle of a really interesting
ting dream. Or, you may work the