The main study population was recruited from a prospective cohort study, the Nord-Trøndelag Health study
(HUNT). In this population, we found 1206 cases of lung
cancer. Adding the 436 cases from the Pemetrexed Gemcitabine study (PEG study) and the 210 cases of lung cancer
from the Norwegian Lung Cancer Biobank study (NLCB
registry study), we identified a total of 1852 cases of lung
cancer that were evaluated for inclusion into our study.
The aim of the study was to assess the influence of
diabetes mellitus on the mortality of lung cancer. Hence, we
included in the analyses only lung cancer-related mortality.
Additionally, in the 3-year follow-up period, 92% of all
patients who died, died of lung cancer-related mortality and
only 8% of other or unknown causes.