How to Apply for a Passport
1. Get the Passport Application Form: One can apply for Passport through Online Registration, (after doing online registration, get print outs of the application form) click here for details for Online Registration. Apart from this applicant can submit directly in the respective passport office/ DPCs/Speed post centers, get the relevant application form from here.
2. How to fill the Form: The Passport Application Form is Machine Readable. Please follow the instructions as follows:
Use capital letters only. Particulars given in the form will be printed in the passport. Therefore, please be careful in filling up the form and avoid any mistakes.
Use black/blue ball pen only
Do not fill the form with pencils or ink-pen.
While filling up the boxes, kindly leave one box blank after each completed word.
Write clearly within the box without touching the boundaries.
Adjust the information to fit within the number of given boxes.
Do not write anything outside the box. Avoid over-writing
Incomplete application will not be accepted.
Columnwise Guidelines for filling the application form can be had from here.
Note: All original documents are to be shown at the time of submission of the passport application form. With the Original Passport Application Form, self-attested copies of all required documents need to be attached. Illiterate applicants should put only thumb impression in the box meant for thumb impression/signature. In case an applicant has stayed at more than one address during the last one year, he/she should furnish two additional photocopies of the PP form for each additional place of stay.
3. Where to Apply : For Online Registration, the applicant has to submit the print outs of the application form along with required documents to the respective passport office in the appointment date and time printed. Apart from this Passport Applications can be submitted at
The counter of the Passport office
The Speed Post centers
District Passport Cells
Passport Collection Centers
An application for a passport may be submitted personally OR through a representative (any close member of the family or recognized travel agent(s) only) carrying an authority letter.
4. Urgent Passport: Refer Tatkaal Scheme in case if applicant needs the passport urgently.
5. Fee Structure: Refer Fee Structure for the fees to be submitted.
6. Check List: Refer Check List for the required documents to be submitted along with the application form.