Owning a pet is something that many people these
days decide to do, mostly due to the fact that, for most,
it has more advantages than disadvantaqes.
One of the main advantages of owningi pet is that
rt can provide a much-needed sense of companion_
ship to those who would otherwise be living a lonely
life, for example the elderly. A pet will always be a
faithful and loyal companion and a valuable source of
comfort, and it is very common for pet owners to
oecome extremely attached to their animals; in some
cases, more than they do to humans. This is under_
standable, because an animal will never question its
owner's behaviour and will always make them feel
valued and loved. lt was once sald that ,,you
can tell
by the kindness of a dog how a human should be."
However. there are certain disadvantages to own_
rng a pet, particularly for those who live in an urban
area. This is mainly due to the fact that there is not
enough space in small apartments to accommodate
a family plus a pet. Added to this is the fact that it is
cruel to keep an animal in cramped conditions where
it is not able to run around freelv.
Another Cisadvantage of owning a pet is the fact
that it can cost a lot of money. Food has to be bought,
and vet's fees paid, among other things.
In conclusion, although there are a lot of advan_
tages associated with owning a pet, they do not
always outweigh the disadvantages that some peopte
may face. As such, prospective owners should care_
fully consider the various aspects of owning a pet
before taking on such a large responsibilit