Abstract - In this paper, we present a new technology
device for help some blind people to perceive banknote and
coin by voice. The system contains 2 sections: hardware and
software. The hardware consists of 3 main parts: input part,
processing part, and output part. The input part wiD get
image from the camera (CMUcaml [I), [2)). The processing
part uses a microcontroller MCS-SI for classify banknote and
coin. The output part uses voice recorder IC and speaker to
show the voice of bank note and coin value. The software part
performs to classifying type of banknote and coin. The
banknote is classified from average red, green, and blue in
RGB model. To classify the coin, difference of size is
considered. We test the device with Thai banknote and Thai
coin, and the result is correct about 80%.