Croatia – the Mediterranean as it once was
‘….tourism is the biggest game these days’(McGuigan, 2004:104).
Croatia is now a well-recognized tourist country, or as Croatian national brand doctors would say, ‘the Mediterranean as it once was’. The tourism industry in Croatia has a long history that reaches far into the previous century.
The main characteristics that have made Croatia known as a tourist destination are extraordinary natural landscapes and significant cultural heritage resources.
To be more precise, a country of just over 4 million inhabitants encompasses both Mediterranean and Central European culture and climate, 2000 km of coastline, 1,246 islands, 6 cultural properties inscribed on the UNESCO heritage list, one natural property, and 10 cultural traditions and practices listed as the intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Moreover, there are numerous arts festivals as well as cultural infrastructure which are great tourism attractions.
The economic importance of tourism in Croatia is best illustrated through the 22% of GDP that this industry accounts for, with steady annual growth of 7.5%.
According to research by the Institute for Tourism, more than 50% of Croatian tourists visit cultural monuments and 10% of tourists travel to Croatia for purely cultural motives.
This is a rather high index of cultural tourism, although coastal tourism remains the predominant type of Croatian tourism (Institute for Tourism, 2007).
The profit from cultural tourism has never been calculated but it can easily be said that culture has a large share in Croatian tourism since mass tourists also participate in cultural experiences, although their primary motives for travel are not connected with culture.