There are several traditional rehabilitation tools such as
therapy pads, the Klein ball, trampoline, Castaing platform
and the Freeman platform, which is the tool most widely
used in clinical rehabilitation of the ankle for test of
maintaining stability in 3DOF [6], [7]. Freeman introduced
proprioceptive rehabilitation options by finding a linkAfter designed of the mechanical platform, we
proceeded to the realization. Fig.3 shows the first
prototype of the realization. On another, four motors
(MINEBEA/17PM-H302) have been used for 2DOF
motion control. Fig.4 shows the principle of assembled
There are several traditional rehabilitation tools such astherapy pads, the Klein ball, trampoline, Castaing platformand the Freeman platform, which is the tool most widelyused in clinical rehabilitation of the ankle for test ofmaintaining stability in 3DOF [6], [7]. Freeman introducedproprioceptive rehabilitation options by finding a linkAfter designed of the mechanical platform, weproceeded to the realization. Fig.3 shows the firstprototype of the realization. On another, four motors(MINEBEA/17PM-H302) have been used for 2DOFmotion control. Fig.4 shows the principle of assembledmotors.Fig.3
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