outlines the order in which experimental
tasks were administered and details of the experimental materials
are given below. Each child was seen individually and began
by completing the Spielberger Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children
(STAI-C) and Fear Survey Schedule for Children-Revised. Participants
were then introduced to the interpretation bias modification
paradigm and began by completing the baseline version of the
ambiguous vignettes paradigm. Following this, participants were
asked to indicate how nervous they felt right now using a visual
analogue mood scale. The bias modification phase was then administered.
Immediately after, children completed a second visual
analogue mood scale assessing how nervous they felt at that point.
The final testing phase then followed with participants completing
a parallel version of the ambiguous vignettes paradigm. Participants
then continued to complete the BAT. Finally participants were
fully debriefed: they were informed they would not have to perform
their behavioral task and all participants were offered the
opportunity to complete a short positive bias modification.