A 27-year-old woman, gravida 2 para 1 + 0 presented at 20 weeks gestation with bilateral gestational gigantomastia and extensive necrosis of the lower pole of the breasts. The patient noticed bilateral enlargement of the breasts during the first trimester, which rapidly increased in size as the pregnancy progressed. She had previously sought unorthodox medical treatment for the progressively enlarging breasts. These included the use of traditional remedies in the form of oral herbal medications and application of herbal pastes to the breast....
.....At a multidisciplinary team consultation, involving the Breast and Endocrine Surgeon, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Obstetricians, Pediatricians and Anesthesiologist, it was decided that the patient should have a simple mastectomy immediately. This was declined by the patient. The patient and family had problems with accepting bilateral simple mastectomy as a treatment option for her benign breast lesion. She gave birth to a fresh still birth at 22 weeks gestation. Her general condition deteriorated within 48 hours of delivery with severe sepsis. She was dyspneic with orthostatic pneumonia. She was resuscitated with crystalloids, blood transfusion and given intravenous antibiotics. The patient succumbed to overwhelming sepsis despite rigorous and intensive medical therapy. An autopsy was not performed. (The family declined the request for an autopsy)