In the vast corners of the of the Devil Kingdom dimension, there was a boundary called the Sea of Endless Flames.
This flame was the vestiges of foolish Large Devil Families of each territory who decided to plot treason against the former Devil King, the flames have been burning for several thousand years and remains as a testament to those who would dare oppose the mighty King.
For Devil beasts with a low level of tolerance against fire, it would only take approximately ten steps before the Burning Sands of Hell would penetrate into their bones and turn them to ashes.
In the center of that kind of uninhabited area, the castle of one of the eight great devils Iblis was there.
The fortress was dark blood red in color and it seemed to be formed with an unrefined magical stone that gave off an ominous feeling. A sweltering heat that would make someone burn up with a fever would constantly be flowing around as part of the atmospheric current, because of this the Demonic Palace was given a nickname, it was called the “Hazy Castle”.
「—- Are you telling me that the Demonic Knight we sent to secure the “Princess of Prophecy” has stopped ——- reporting in??」
The flooring and the walls and even the hall, everything was shining with the dull color of blood.
In the middle of the room was a Crimson Orb, 3 meters in diameter, Although it did not let out any sounds, it pulsed with an overbearing psychic waves.
High density amounts of magical power was circulating around the room. There was a shadow of a person with long hair………..The faint image of the master of this castle Iblis was vaguely visible.
『What about the item?——Didn’t I confer to him the dimensional distortion armor “Dislocation Armor”? 』
「Yes. Any person below the fourth class rank would not be able to scratch that armor……However if it was one of my 12 cursed swords, it would be a different story」
A giant who had a lion’s head advanced and went out into the open, he bowed gracefully. He was wearing black like a butler’s clothing. Behind him was 12 swords of various shapes just floating about with the sharp end pointed down towards the ground.
He was the Devil Swordsman known as “Stral”.
Before Iblis became one of the eight great demons, the Stral was working under Iblis as a loyal retainer. He fought with a dynamic combat style and was able to simultaneously use innumerable Demonic swords, he is a Demon Leader feared as someone with the capabilities to match a thousand warriors.
「What I cannot understand is, he also had the “Possession Rebirth Ability”. Even if his body was destroyed by chance, he should have been able to acquire a new “Vessel” and continue on with his mission……」
All of these precautions had been taken by Iblis all for the purpose to capture and take control of the “Princess of Prophecy”.
Being able to monopolize the details of the Prophecy is an important thing for the Iblis faction, don’t even mention the Three Archdukes, even the Eight Great Families could not be allowed to know of the existence of such a valuable person.
「……..Ah–, I suspect that probably it was this kind of thing that occurred」
A voice that did not suit the place, a muffled and barely audible sound came out of the background. From within one of the pillars a thin figure appeared from the shadows and was wrapped in a white robe.
Under the hood, a silver mask that was polished like a mirror covered the face.
「He who was defeated by an unexpected opponent of great strength was pressed to find a vessel without being able to select one of his choice. He must have unfortunately possessed someone with a high magical resistance and performed an imperfect merge……..This is likely to be the scenario」
「Lord…Cruz. Certainly if that were the case, the story would fit together, however」
The demon with the swords looked at the newcomer with eyes of distrust, it would seem that the newcomer did not possess a formidable physique and had barely any magical power flowing out, it was as if the newcomer was a normal human being.
In actually fact was this man behind the mask a human being? Honestly the rumor that this person was not a demon but was in fact a human being had started to die out, however the old-time retainers of Iblis could not stand the fact that someone like him was given an important position by their master Iblis.