Also, the dynamic collision avoidance has been evaluated with two main experiments. In the first
experiment, the quadrocopter has been flown to a corner with one fixed and one movable wall. After the quadrocopter reached its position in the corner, the movable wall has been pushed back and forth, simulating a dynamic obstacle approaching the quadrocopter. Thus the quadrocopter had to avoid a collision and keep a predefined distance of 1m to the obstacle at the same time. On the way back the quadrocopter was following the obstacle autonomous. Figure 10 shows the results of this experiment measured with the optical tracking system. The blue line is the position of the quadrocopter and the green line the position of the obstacle simplified on the relevant axis. The maximal lower deviation was 25cm, while the maximal higher deviation was 65cm. These both values of course depend on the dynamic of the movement.