Telefunken v72/v76
consoles of the early '60s were vacuum tube-based, and German broadcast set a standard for preamp modules used in their consoles that was copied and used all over Europe, most notaply by EMI Records in England. The Telefunken V72, V72A, V76, and V78 are the most widely used and best-loved mic amplifiers from that period. The V72 is a dual-tube unit employing two Telefunken EF804S tubes, while the V72A used one E180F and one 5654 tube and had a bit more gain and output. The impossible-to-find V72S preams were found inside the famous EMI REDD. 17 and 37 Abbey Road consoles that were used on the beatles' recordings up through The white album. the V76/78 employs four of the EF804S tubes and has the most gain of the series (see figure 3.5)