These lyrics make me think about soldiers in a battle field, or maybe even civilans surviving after a nuclear holocaust. He was lying in a burned out basement (bombed out?), hoping for replacement (a soldier waiting to be relieved), when the sun burst thru the sky--I take this to mean a nuclear out basement (bombed out?), hoping for replacement (a soldier waiting to be relieved), when the sun burst thru the sky--I take this to mean a nuclear explosion since if the "full moon is in his eyes", the sun cannot be up at the same time (its astronomically impossible). There was a band playing in my head and ... brings to my mind images from the Vietnam war of soldiers listening to Hendrix and smoking hash--so this re-enforces my notion of war-type imagery. The next line--"thinking about what a friend had said (the end of the world is at hand because of nuclear conflict), ...I was hoping it was a lie (I would hope it wasn't true too)