Figure 1
Growth of Trichoderma sp in the bags: A: (−): non-growth. B: (+): poor growth, up to 20% of substrate colonization; C: (+ +): intermediate growth, 20–50% of substrate colonization; D: (+ + +): abundant growth, more than 50% of substrate ...
Table 1
Experimental design to evaluate the growth of green mold disease after sterilization treatment.
ICFC strains used: 767/12, Trichoderma sp; 153/99, Pleurotus ostreatus; 548/03, Gymnopilus pampeanus. T: spray of Trichoderma conidia suspension; M: mushroom spawn, S: sterilized substrate, NS: non-sterilized substrate. Five replicates for each test were performed.
Populus sawdust