Number of pigs per trial and treatment distributed to the two slaughter days per trial
Treatment A B C D
No. of pigs No. of pigs No. of pigs No. of pigs
Trial 1 Summer
First slaughter day, 28th September 8 8 2 2
Second slaughter day, 12th October 2 2 8 7
Trial 2 Summer
First slaughter day, 25th January 8 8 2 2
Second slaughter day, 15th February 2 2 8 8
Trial 3 Summer
First slaughter day, 5th September 9 7 2 1
Second slaughter day, 19th September 1 2 8 9
Trial 4 Winter
First slaughter day, 9th January 8 7 2 2
Second slaughter day, 30th January 1 1 6 7
In total for meat quality measurements 39 37a 38 38a
a One pig carcass cancelled during the slaughter process.