today on how it's made frozen fruit yes world nowadays you don't have to wait for your favorite fruit to be in season you can buy it year round in the freezer section at your local supermarket frozen fruit is useful to have on hand for baking for making fruit sellers or smoothies to use as a topping or to eat as a healthy snack pro timing is everything for example strawberries 1 sold fresh are picked well before the ride so they won't spoil before reaching store shelves as much as a week later but if the berries are for the freezer section they're harvested when fully ripe that stealer perfection will be frozen in time within 36 hours for workers pick the berries by hand and trim them right in the field with one swipe over sharp stainless steel blade you within 90 minutes apart listing the strawberries are on their way by refrigerated trucks to the nearby processing plant for cleaning sorting and quick freezing first up on the processing line a bath and freshwater to remove fielder this will gently submerges every last strawberry then a shower and clean rinse water followed by a spray France with highly chlorinated water to sanitize the very simple next eagle-eyed workers pick out and discard any bruised or underwrite Barrys that the rest receive a final rinse in route to the freezing ton of temperature -34 degrees Fahrenheit for the cooling coils contain liquid ammonia a refrigerant commonly use for industrial-scale freezing inside the tunnel with the frigid air circulates at high speed the berries freeze in about 20 minutes upon exiting the right through sorting machines the smaller very struck through narrow gaps between the rollers near the top the medium size ones through wider gap part way down while the larger ones continue to the bottom these peaches also hand picked one right go through the same cleaning process says the strawberries first a bath then a shower then a sanitizing rinse with chlorinated water after workers pick out leaves twigs in any less than perfect fruit a sorting machine source to pieces by size small medium and large sending each size two separate conveyor belt each felt leads to a different lineup stainless steel penny machines adjusted for the size of the incoming fruit cool first the machine places the peaches stem down next a knife cuts the peach in half along its natural line then mechanical jobs grab the stone inside and dislodge it by twisting the two halves at the peach in opposite directions each machine cupid 90 pages per minute so the only way to see that action is in slow motion20 0 all the peach jam sandstones coming out of the pillars tumble onto a vibrating conveyor well the stones fall through the holes while the peaches larger than the polls continue on compare flex-time cut side up so that workers can inspect and remove any stone fragments the next conveyor gradually lines them up in single file to enter the slicing machines slicer plates cut each half into four to six pieces depending on what format the customer order a then the slices go into the freezing Tom peach slices take slightly longer than strawberries to freeze about 25 minutes to prevent the frozen from defrosting the air temperature in the packaging area is a frigid 39 degrees Fahrenheit been automated scale weighs out the per package quantity: then drops to berry's into a retail bank the machine then he seals to back and deposited on the final conveyor which goes to the free shipping freezer only 15 minutes have passed since the fruit was frozen and just 24 hours since it was field pics below