The detection capability (CCb) of some microbial screening tests currently available was calculated for
sheep and goat milk in accordance with Commission Decision 657/2002/EC. The CCb was at or below the
maximum residue limit (MRL) for most b-lactams assessed and other non-b-lactam drugs such as
neomycin, tylosin, sulfadiazine and sulfadimethoxine. However, the tests were less sensitive in the
detection of most non-b-lactam drugs such as quinolones and tetracyclines at safety levels. When individual
sheep milk samples free of antibiotics were analysed, an elevated somatic cell count was related
to the occurrence of non-compliant results in all the methods assessed. To guarantee the safety of milk
and dairy products from small ruminants, the periodical implementation of screening tests more sensitive
towards non-b-lactam drugs would be appropriate.
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