420. Myanmar rejects Bangladesh’s contention that Myanmar has no
entitlement to a continental shelf beyond 200 nm. While Myanmar does not
contradict Bangladesh’s evidence from a scientific point of view, it
emphasizes that the existence of a geological discontinuity in front of the
coast of Myanmar is simply irrelevant to the case. According to Myanmar, the
entitlement of a coastal State to a continental shelf beyond 200 nm is not
dependent on any “test of natural geological prolongation”. What determines
such entitlement is the physical extent of the continental margin, that is to say
its outer edge, to be identified in accordance with article 76, paragraph 4, of
the Convention.
421. Myanmar points out that it identified the outer edge of its continental
margin by reference to the Gardiner formula, which is embodied in article 76,
paragraph 4(a)(i), of the Convention. The Gardiner line thus identified is well
beyond 200 nm, and, consequently, so is the outer edge of Myanmar’s
continental margin. Therefore Myanmar is entitled to a continental shelf
beyond 200 nm in the present case. It has accordingly submitted the
particulars of the outer limits of its continental shelf to the Commission
pursuant to article 76, paragraph 8, of the Convention.