From Form to Formless is a purposeul exhibi-tion. Keane’s curatorial agenda seems to reect anaspiration to correct a common misperception thatprior to the advent o the contemporary digitalarchitects, Australian (and particularly, mid-to-latecentury Sydney) architecture was overwhelminglythe product o a modernist, or regional modernist,sensibility that proscribed non-orthogonal geom-etry or overtly sculptural orm. This is especiallypertinent given that these projects or the mostpart hail rom New South Wales, the supposedstronghold o a particularly conservative straino Australian modernism. The exhibition is alsothe start o an inquiry that is underpinned by asel conscious search or historical precursors,which demonstrate that the interest in uid spacesis tied not exclusively to the recent technologicaladvances in digital technology (a circumstantialand pragmatic criteria), but to the innate desireor a sensory experience. These desires are mani-ested in the eatured projects as they attempt theunrealisable, pushing the boundaries o technolo-gies available at the time. The exhibition opens upthe possibility o writing an(other) history o 20thcentury Australian architectural modernism, whileproviding an anchor or the emergent wave o dig-itally minded architects