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Food and drink in the classroom
What is your policy on food and/or drink in the classroom? I generally allow it as long as it doesn't create a distraction or a mess. I find that students comply readily, and it saves so much time and hassle not having to chase it down as a disciplinary infraction. I also think the kids (I teach high school) pay attention better when they aren't starving.
Asked on September 13, 2011 at 2:05 AM by pacorz
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pohnpei397 | College Teacher | (Level 3) Distinguished Educator
Posted on September 13, 2011 at 2:45 AM
I agree with your policy. I teach high school and I think that it makes more sense to let them eat and drink as long as it's not anything too elaborate. I mean, if they're eating something hot from home that smells up the whole room, that's too much. But I do let people eat and drink. I just think that it's more annoying than it's worth to treat them like babies. Yeah, things will get spilled now and then, but it's life. I think it encourages the students to feel more positive towards the school environment.