Luke Power, cameraman and editor on the cookie shoot at Our Big Kitchen, has asked me to forward you links to the cookie baking demonstrations.
OBK sent all the baking equipment over to Thailand a couple of weeks ago and it should be arriving at The Hub any day now. As you know the equipment was purchased with money raised by kids and families participating in our Cook4Good program, and this was the launch of OBK's Sharing the Caring.
Ilya, it'll be great when the equipment arrives and you can show the young people the video that was made here at Our Big Kitchen specifically for them. OBK even got a Thai interpreter so the kids can watch the cookie instructions in Thai and English. The video should be a wonderful way for your young people to start making the cookies and hopefully getting their own little social enterprise up and running. You may want to remind them that the inspiration for this came about after Luke and his partner Greg visited The Hub a few months ago, and left there committed to doing something to help the children and teens they met.
I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and a peaceful new year. Rev. Crews, I was just reading the paper online and saw you downtown with Tori Johnson's family. At this time all we can do is continue to pray for peaceful times.