this paper, we proposed a comprehensive model of
nurse/patient empowerment that could be used as a
basis for nursing and management practice. The model
is unique in that nurse and patient empowerment
are conceptualized from the same theoretical frame-
work. To date the model has not been empirically
tested, therefore, it is important to test the proposed
relationships in this expanded empowerment model
before recommending this approach as a basis for
practice. Studies that test hypotheses derived from the
model must be conducted within a systematic
programme of research to accumulate evidence of the
s validity. Valid and reliable measures must be
selected or created to operationalize the additional
components in the expanded model. These measures
must be conceptually consistent with the theoretical
definitions within the model, which may mean devel-
oping new measures if existing measures are not
appropriate. The model should be tested in a variety of
settings and patient populations to determine its appli-
cability across settings and to determine its-
as a guide for creating empowering work environments
that result in positive outcomes for both nurses and
their patients.
A comprehensive model of nurse/patient empower-
ment can provide a unified approach for ensuring that
nurses are empowered to provide high-quality care that
meets professional standards and therefore empowers
patients to optimize their health and well-being. Aujo-
ulat et al. (2007) remind us that empowerment is a
health enhancing process-
(p. 13). As the mandate of
nursing management is to create workplaces that
promote the health and well-being of both nurses and
patients, a unified model of nurse/patient empowerment
may provide a useful guide for creating caring practice
environments that accomplish this goal.