Lesson SEN 6
Task: Stand independently.
Prerequisites: COG 6, SEN 1
Concept: If serious deficits are occurring with the student in this task, the assistance of a physical therapist or similar professional may be necessary. The lesson as presented here assumes that the student has the physical potential to perform the skill but that the desire is not present. Physical guidance that is gradually reduced during rein-forcing activities or games is the basic strategy in this sample lesson. This objective is not directed toward the student following a request to stand up (receptive language); instead, the intended response is the performing of the task for its basic function.
Behavioral Objective: When the student is encouraged or guided to stand up, the student will do so and remain standing for at least 3 minutes to a 90% accuracy level for 20 trials.
Materials: Game-like materials of interest to the student such as balls, some sports equipment, or art activities that he or she can use while standing.
Task Analysis:
1. Engage the student in activities related to items contained in the materials section. Continue this process until one or two specific activities are identified that the student appears to enjoy.
2. Using the activity or activities identified in Step 1, allow the student to perform these acts only while standing. Because previous standing behavior is assumed not to have been present, physical guidance will initially be necessary. Have the student perform this step for 1 minute.
3. Continue Step 2, reducing physical guidance until only verbal prompting or praise is needed.
4. Continue Step 3, reducing all guidance and gradually increase the time period to 3 minutes until the objective is met.