In the future, l don't think people will use cash, checks, or even credit cards. Instead we'll just use our fingerprints. When we are born, We will get a bank account. We will have the same account for our whole life, and it will be connected to our fingerprints Everyone will have fingerprint recognition devices. So instead of scanning credit cards, we'll scan fingers. Life will be so much easier when we don't have to carry around money or credit cards! Jason, Alaska
Will we have cars in the future? Yes, I think we will, but they'll be very different from today's cars First, they won't use gas because we won't have enough of t 50 years from now. Cars will probably use electricity or hydrogen, so they'll be quieter and cleaner. And l think the roads will be safer, too, because you won't actually drive your car. You'll just sit in it, and the car's computer will drive it. So there won't be any accidents. Flavia, Brazil