Advanced knowledge management techniques focus on processes of knowledge collection, selecting knowledge currently useful for developing the company/organisation and also knowledge which is not necessary for the proper development of the organisation now, but can be used later depending on the development of the organisation and its environment.
Knowledge management techniques now focus not only on the use of IT systems to effectively manage knowledge or information, but primarily on the use of techniques for information sharing within the appropriate authorities and its storage until it becomes significant for the development of the organisation/enterprise. Information splitting techniques, the correct information storage and its use in the necessary situations imply the application of cryptographic problems which ensure the security of the solutions used.
Information can be divided within a given organisation in various ways. The method of secure information recreation, without disclosing contents of this information to an authorised individuals, forms an important element of the entire information division process. This is why information sharing protocols are better in strategic information management processes. Access to strategic information is restricted and dedicated to a selected group of individuals. Consequently this method of hiding important, strategic information that cannot be disclosed to the public employs information sharing and guarantees the highest security as unauthorised individuals cannot access knowledge bases containing strategic information.