Business Impact:
Inadequate and improper customer information may lead to non-compliance with the regulations
for electronic payment business such as True Money’s proposal to BOT that requires customer to
identify his/her ownership of the opened e-wallets by referring to the citizen ID.
Additionally, the business concept of reviewing and analyzing e-wallet accounts and transactions
based on individual account may not comply with the regulatory requirements regarding
monitoring and reporting of suspicious transactions to the Anti-Money Laundering Office. In
case of suspicious transactions, True Money may not have adequate information for reporting
according to the Form1-05-10.
Recommendations for Implementation Priorities: High
Based on our review, we recommend that policy and/or procedures should be established to
assess and classify True Money’s customers based on risks and adequate customer data of each
customer class should be classified and collected accordingly.
Additionally, customer data collection procedures should be reviewed and formally established to
ensure that adequate and accurate customer information are collected for supporting internal
review and analysis, and for reporting to the Anti-Money Laundering Office in case of suspicious
transactions (if any in the future).