false papers. It just so happened that Tony had stopped one of Eddie's drivers. And now Eddie wanted blood. But Tony was right. Find the drugs, get them back Eddie, and maybe Eddie wouldn't kill them. So they started pulling the packing out of the washing machines, taking the backs off, searching for hidden packets. They went through every machine, in both garages, checked them once, twice three times. And found nothing. .wait a bit,' said Tony. He started counting the machines. There was one missing. The brothers looked at each other, then ran to Tony's car. At Male's mother's house, Malc had just fitted her new washing machine. Male's mother was as pleased as anything. She had a crowd of neighbours in her kitchen. "My boy's so good to me, she was telling them. He saved his money and bought me this as a surprise. Even lan knew they were in real trouble now. Everyone in town would get to hear about the new washing machines and everyone meant Eddie Hart. Tony and lan took Male outside and explained. Malc went back inside, pulled the machine out again, and started taking the back off. His hands were shaking so much, it took him a long time. But at last he had the back off, and began to pass brown paper packets to Tony and lan. Tony explained to the neighbours that these were just heavy things used in packing to stop the machines shaking in the lorry Like bricks?' one neighbour asked, and when Tony agreed with her, sweat running down his face, she added another question. Why cover bricks in brown paper?