Usefulness of animated scenarios
Participants also commented on the realities of the
animated scenario as ‘being realistic of a person wearing
an alarm’. In one animated scenario, an older adult was
introduced to a pendant. Following a brief discussion
between the son and the older adult, an emergency alarm
was installed into the older adult’s home. One participant
noted that this section of the animated scenario reflects
the realities of older adults being introduced to
emergency alarms; ‘I think that’s all fine’ and that ‘I
don’t know how else the son could have explained it – he
was diplomatic’. Interestingly, when participants wrote
over the annotations of the storyboard, no major additions
where made, but rather only rephrased in order how they
would like conversations within families to take place
more sensitively. This also suggests that our animated
scenarios did reflect real world scenarios of emergency
alarm users that participants could refer too. Lastly, it is
important to note that all participants referred to their
friends or relatives who may need to wear the pendant but
no participants talked about how they may need it. In that
sense it is clear that the use of animated scenarios made it
easier for participants to talk about the issues surrounding
emergency alarm use and their emotions.