the rate of true strain was used as the strain rate. The
time step ∆t was set to be 2 fs, and the mass of the virtual
wall, M, used for stress control was set to be 2 × 1025 kg.
During loading simulations, the coordinates, stress com-
ponents, and potential energy, which were averaged for each atom during 0.2 ps, were recorded every 4 ps for de- tailed data analysis.
2. 6 Calculation conditions and sizes of simulation
The model sizes are provided in Table 3; N is the
number of atoms in the simulation cell, while Ncry and
Namo are the numbers of atoms in the crystal and in the
amorphous phase at the initial state. L is the average edge
length after the relaxation. When we determine the parti- cle size and volume fraction, we took into consideration