Urban Design Principles and Concept
Certain urban design principles have been established for Thu Thiem as the basis for the 1:2000 Detailed Master Plan, as follows:
1. Create a memorable skyline of diverse building heights
2. Create great streets and public open spaces defined by b building edges
3. Promote density and a compact urban form punctuated by important towers
4. Emphasize mixed use and commercial buildings along canals, consistent with South Vietnamese development patterns
5. Accommodate pedestrian movement through neighborhoods to enhance connectivity
6. Utilize building heights to emphasize important sites
7. Utilize building form to create neighborhood blocks that are environmentally responsive (e.g. orientation, wind, sun, shade)
8. Enhance and optimize important views to and from District 1, from gateways (e.g. bridges and boulevards), and within Thu Thiem
9. Allow for flexibility of density and form within each neighborhood, while achieving overall program goals and urban character
10 Create a public waterfront that is open and accessible to all
11. Locate key buildings along the river to take advantage of special sites
12. Locate development in close proximity to water and transportation
13. Establish a clear open space network with a hierarchy of size and character