if any subcontractor is proposed to fulfill the requirments, the Bidder shall indicate for which items as detailed in the Price Proposal he intends to subcontractors and the work to be performed by each. The qualifications and previous experience of each subcontracter shall be described.
A letter from the subcontractor agreeing to cooperate with the Bidder to carry out the work is also required
Pursuant to Article E-7.Contractor's Employees,Any local engineer(s) proposed for the supervision of installation shall be a professional engineer and receive a license from the Council of the engineer in Thailand,and a copy of this license shall be submitted.Such engineer shall be a full-time employee having the scope of work and responsibility in accordance with the Engineer Act,B.E. 2542 and the relevant ministerial regulations. Such engineer shall be present at the site of the work during all normal working hours and shall have full authority to represent the Contractor in all matters concerning the progress of the work