Kong Tianyu shouted in a very loud voice! “All you scums! Retreat!”
Listening to the order to retreat, these prisoners discarded their shields and machetes as they ran back with all their speed. The shields were quite heavy and discarding them would enable them to run faster. In this short period of time, they had killed 300+ zombies. Each man’s stamina had dropped significantly.
Their bloodlust had also withdrawn as they focused all their efforts on running. Earlier, they did not have a choice – it was either to kill the zombies or be killed by their captors. Therefore they gambled their lives on killing as many zombies as possible and had a bloodlust. But now that they were given a chance to retreat, naturally they would choose to flee, and hold back their bloodlust.
Kong Tianyu roared a command at the group of prisoners “All of you put your hands behind your head and squat down immediately! I will shoot all those that dared to run!”
If the men ran in a disorganised manner, they could escape or in the worst case, rush into Yue Zhong’s camp and to spread confusion and chaos. With the zombies attacking them, Yue Zhong can not afford to have confusion and chaos in his camp.
Under gunpoint, all the prisoners ran towards the area that Kong Tianyu had designated and put their hands behind their heads and squatted down.
3 of the close combat team members quickly examined the prisoners, and dragged out 23 prisoners who were injured in the battle with zombies. They shot these prisoners at point blank.
The sounds of gunfire and the deaths of their comrades made the prisoners trembled in fear, and they dare not move a muscle and as they looked downward and behaved.
Individually, normal zombies are not that scary. Their strongest threat to man-kind is the zombie virus. These creatures are extremely slow and are only dangerous in overwhelming numbers. In the short skirmish, none of the prisoners were eaten alive by the zombies.
However, there were approximately ¼ of the prisoners who were scratched or bitten by the zombies, and infected by the zombie virus. Since there is no cure for the zombie virus, Yue Zhong sent his men to kill these infected men. He did not want any prisoners to turn into a zombie and infect other prisoners.
“All close combat teams, follow me!” Looking at the zombie horde that persistently creeped forward no matter how many times he mowed them down with gunfire, Yue Zhong finally lost his patience and gave the order for all his close combat teams to attack. The close combat teams’ members were more effective in killing zombies than gunfire.
All the close combat teams’ members followed behind Yue Zhong as they charged towards the zombies.
In the team of close combat personnel, not all of these men are equipped with Tang Imitation Sword. Yue Zhong do not have enough swords to equip each man with a sword. Therefore some of these men also use the machetes. These machetes also easily cleaved apart the zombies, and the only disadvantage of using a machete compared to Tang Imitation sword was that any zombies that were killed by a machete do not give its killer any experience orbs.
These close combat team members hacked at the zombie in a mad frenzy.
Yue Zhong and White Bones led the charge, and cut down several zombies with each swing of their weapon.
These close combat forces then engaged the zombies. The close combat forces team were comprised of evolvers who had killed scores of zombies before. Ordinary zombies have no way to bite nor scratch through the Water Python Snakeskin armour that the close combat forces were wearing. These zombies are also relatively slow. As long as a close combat team member took care not to be surrounded by zombies and retreated before his escape route is cut off, the close combat team member is not in any danger. But the same can not be said for the zombies. Each hack with the sword or machete will kill at least one zombie without fail.
Meanwhile the elite marksmen continued to burn their bullet supply as they continuously dropped zombies with each headshot.
With the aid of a team of about 50 men, Yue Zhong’s group finally managed to whittle down the number of zombies to a more manageable number. But each close combat team member seemed to be drained of stamina, as they were breathing heavily from just the effort of standing up.
Only Yue Zhong and White Bones have the strength to continue to kill the zombies as the close combat team members are exhausted. But the few dozens of remaining zombies should pose no threat to either Yue Zhong or White Bones.
As he cut down the last of the remaining zombies, Yue Zhong breathed a sigh of relief “Finally we won!”
These zombies might be level 1 creatures, and are weak. But there were over 5000 zombies. Even after several rounds of concentrated fire, the number of zombies remaining were still over 1000 strong. The team of close combat fighters had managed to finish off th