then the rest of the profit he will share 50% with me after minus off costs of the girl, soap, laundry, salary for a cleaning lady, salary for his sales person and a cashier etc.
he will bring in a sales person and his girls and start immediately if agreed.
so P will have no shareholding in this but only as a landlady collecting rent.
my suggestion is that since i failed P in everything. P can have the portion of the sharing in p ting's offer. i will still come in everyday and aid p ting in managing the place until my russian comes back this month end (the american arriving friday) and hopefully investing in the disco
it's up to p to decide about p ting's offer
about me, it's either p pull the plug on me or not. the cocaine i'm stuck with has a market value of b300000, if i can turn that to cash then all my problem is solved. i can pay the furniture guy. pay the printing for the posters and buy the other 2 water heater required. buy some decorations for the spa etc.
until then, i am flat broke now and can't do anything. still trying to raise fund but no luck today.
the fino helped me a lot these few days, i saved a lot of taxi $. i changed the wheels to original 14inches from the 17inches coz the rims are all bended and spoiled (too big but looks sporty and not suitable for everyday use) the tires must be replaced due to long period of storage. driving mirrors were installed. electrical wires replaced and re-wrapped coz were 50% bitten by rats. plugs, air filter and oils were changed. the fino is very clean and in tip top condition now.
if P decides to pull the plug on me, i will return the fino immediately. the notebook i will try best to get it back once the warrant is out. if i fail to collect the notebook, i will buy P one notebook to replace the stolen one but only when i have the $ to do it.
i won't be going into NP1 tonight, my phone wil be on tomorrow. will call P when i wake up to see what p decides to do about me.
good night