Data from the MSCI Environmental, Social, and Governance data base (hereafter, ESG),3 COMPUSTAT, and the Center forResearch in Securities Prices (CSRP) that cover the period from 1991to 2011 were analyzed to examine the relationships among theCSR, Tobin’s Q, and systematic risk of restaurant firms’ shares. Pub-licly listed restaurant firms were identified through their StandardIndustrial Classification (SIC) code in the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) files; the sample includes firms whose SIC codeis 5812 (retail food establishments). The total number of firm-yearobser vations utilized to test the hypotheses related to Tobin’s Q(i.e., Hypotheses 1 and 3) and systematic risk (i.e., Hypotheses 2and 4) was 1461 for 170 restaurant firms and 1357 for 161 firms,respectively. Given that all available firm-year observations werein cluded, the data constituted an unbalanced panel.