All institutes need to plan their
management information systems. They all
need to plan their information systems in
one form or another form. People have
talked much about information systems
planning in institutes but very few have
emerged as practical leaders. In many cases
the planning of information system is left to
chance or to the egos of data processing
specialist. Whatever may be the level of
planning, enough care should be taken from
the very beginning. Planning approach must
be adaptable and institute oriented.
It is a prerequisite to success
in information systems that the real
institutes plans, priorities, needs, objectives
and goals must be identified and understood
by the information systems planner. Without
an existing long-range plans, it is harder to
develop new, more effective strategy for the
future. A common perception to change in
the research and development activity is the
decision to launch a new style of research
and development work which can be
immediately implemented in solving real life
problems. This of course probably need for
rapidly developed service and support
systems for it. A valuable way of classifying
information system is on the basis of the
nature of the contribution made to the
institute. It is essential that the information
systems development approach is geared up
closely to the institute's plans, priorities,
objectives and goals. Without this, there is
no basis for determining the system to be
Current information
technology and our current approaches in
making use of it will not alone help us to
meet the objectives. Close attention must be
paid to improve the means for developing
applications, and the approaches to
information systems planning and analysis.
Such an approach to planning will improve
the means for estimating the developments,
operational computing and communication
capacity. Decision support systems can be
used to improve managerial decisionmaking. It improves the speed and quality of
senior and middle management decision
making in institute through provision of
better information at the right time and in
the right format.
All institutes need to plan their
management information systems. They all
need to plan their information systems in
one form or another form. People have
talked much about information systems
planning in institutes but very few have
emerged as practical leaders. In many cases
the planning of information system is left to
chance or to the egos of data processing
specialist. Whatever may be the level of
planning, enough care should be taken from
the very beginning. Planning approach must
be adaptable and institute oriented.
It is a prerequisite to success
in information systems that the real
institutes plans, priorities, needs, objectives
and goals must be identified and understood
by the information systems planner. Without
an existing long-range plans, it is harder to
develop new, more effective strategy for the
future. A common perception to change in
the research and development activity is the
decision to launch a new style of research
and development work which can be
immediately implemented in solving real life
problems. This of course probably need for
rapidly developed service and support
systems for it. A valuable way of classifying
information system is on the basis of the
nature of the contribution made to the
institute. It is essential that the information
systems development approach is geared up
closely to the institute's plans, priorities,
objectives and goals. Without this, there is
no basis for determining the system to be
Current information
technology and our current approaches in
making use of it will not alone help us to
meet the objectives. Close attention must be
paid to improve the means for developing
applications, and the approaches to
information systems planning and analysis.
Such an approach to planning will improve
the means for estimating the developments,
operational computing and communication
capacity. Decision support systems can be
used to improve managerial decisionmaking. It improves the speed and quality of
senior and middle management decision
making in institute through provision of
better information at the right time and in
the right format.
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