According to government’s program, twenty million olive trees should be planted in Albania during the years 2008-2013. The domestic varieties should constitute the main percentage of varieties to be planted. The propagation of these varieties is very important in achieving this objective.
That`s why this experiment aimed at increasing the rooting ability of olive cuttings cv. “Kokërr Bardhi i Tiranës” using NAA with different concentrations of GA3.
In order to stimulate the root formation of olive cuttings IBA or NAA are usually used. GA3 inhibits adventitious root formation, but in some cases, it stimulates root formation [1, 3, 5].
High concentration of gibberelic acid (GA3) inhibited rooting in cuttings of Pisum Sativum L, while low concentration (10-9 to 10-6 mol) promoted rooting [6].
Some early workers [4], reported that indol-3 acetic acid (IAA) and gibberelic acid (GA3) enhanced the formation of roots on the stem cuttings of Abelmoschus esculentus Moench. The effect considerably increased, when both IAA and GA3 were applied together [4].The combination of GA3 1 ppm + 4 ppm NAA used on rooting of microshoots of olive (cv. Kallamon), promoted the root formation [7].
In the concentration range of 10-8 to 10-4 mol of GA3, and in the presence of tryptamine or indol-3 lactic acid (an active indole derivative for root induction) a significant increase of root initiation on tomato leaf discs was observed [2].
The study reported in this paper was carried out to examine any possible interaction between NAA and GA3, which might influence the rooting activity of stem cuttings in Qlea europea , cv. “Kokërr Bardhë i Tiranës”.