Concluding remarksIn the 25 years since the World Wide Web was invente การแปล - Concluding remarksIn the 25 years since the World Wide Web was invente ภาษาอินโดนีเซี วิธีการพูด

Concluding remarksIn the 25 years s

Concluding remarks
In the 25 years since the World Wide Web was invented, our
way of interacting with each other and our collective history
has changed. Successfully navigating this new world is
likely to require new skills, which will be reflected in our
neural architecture on some level. However, there is cur-
rently no evidence to suggest that Internet use has or has not
had a profound effect on brain development. If we want to
know how this highly connected world is impacting our
brains, we will need to conduct studies that investigate
brain measures and their relationship to behavior, cogni-
tion, and well-being in a representative sample of the popu-
lation. These studies can draw from techniques adopted in
studies of other environmental influences, such as musical
training, and should differentiate between different Inter-
net activities. Creative experimental designs have begun
testing how certain aspects of Internet use can affect cogni-
tive abilities, but many of these studies have been conducted
only in adult samples. Finally, even if Internet use is
impacting the developing brain during adolescence, we must
not forget that the brains of adults remain capable of
functional change. Indeed, Internet-based training pro-
grams are being developed to capitalize on just that [15].
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ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาอินโดนีเซี) 1: [สำเนา]
Concluding remarks
In the 25 years since the World Wide Web was invented, our
way of interacting with each other and our collective history
has changed. Successfully navigating this new world is
likely to require new skills, which will be reflected in our
neural architecture on some level. However, there is cur-
rently no evidence to suggest that Internet use has or has not
had a profound effect on brain development. If we want to
know how this highly connected world is impacting our
brains, we will need to conduct studies that investigate
brain measures and their relationship to behavior, cogni-
tion, and well-being in a representative sample of the popu-
lation. These studies can draw from techniques adopted in
studies of other environmental influences, such as musical
training, and should differentiate between different Inter-
net activities. Creative experimental designs have begun
testing how certain aspects of Internet use can affect cogni-
tive abilities, but many of these studies have been conducted
only in adult samples. Finally, even if Internet use is
impacting the developing brain during adolescence, we must
not forget that the brains of adults remain capable of
functional change. Indeed, Internet-based training pro-
grams are being developed to capitalize on just that [15].
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (ภาษาอินโดนีเซี) 2:[สำเนา]
Dalam 25 tahun sejak World Wide Web diciptakan, kami
cara berinteraksi satu sama lain dan sejarah kolektif kita
telah berubah. Berhasil menavigasi dunia baru ini
kemungkinan akan membutuhkan keterampilan baru, yang akan tercermin dalam kami
arsitektur saraf pada tingkat tertentu. Namun, ada skr
rently ada bukti yang menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan internet telah atau belum
memiliki efek mendalam pada perkembangan otak. Jika kita ingin
tahu bagaimana dunia yang sangat terhubung ini berdampak kami
otak, kita perlu melakukan studi yang menyelidiki
tindakan otak dan hubungannya dengan perilaku, cogni-
tion, dan kesejahteraan dalam sampel yang representatif dari popu-
lation. Studi-studi ini dapat menarik dari teknik yang diterapkan dalam
penelitian pengaruh lingkungan lainnya, seperti musik
pelatihan, dan harus membedakan antara Inter yang berbeda
kegiatan bersih. Desain eksperimen kreatif telah mulai
menguji bagaimana aspek-aspek tertentu dari penggunaan Internet dapat mempengaruhi cogni-
kemampuan tive, tapi banyak dari studi ini telah dilakukan
hanya pada sampel dewasa. Akhirnya, bahkan jika menggunakan Internet
mempengaruhi otak berkembang selama masa remaja, kita harus
tidak lupa bahwa otak orang dewasa tetap mampu
perubahan fungsional. Memang, pelatihan berbasis internet pro-
gram sedang dikembangkan untuk memanfaatkan hal itu [15].
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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