1. Used the various media publicity Stores and products
2. There is a 10% discount to customers. If the customer purchases the product, as defined.
3. Has sells Product at a cheaper price competitors.
4. The location of the business near the communities and University. convenient in to distributor product.
5. Cupcakes high quality, clean and delicious , rather than a competitor.
1. During the first open store. There are not regular customers. sales not as much as expected.
2. A product of the Undertaking Not much is known of the consumers. So to sell specific neighborhood.
3. A new open store. customer does not dare try because do not believe in the taste and quality of the product.
4. The owners have not experience in doing business before.
1. Modern communication technology used in the promotion for easy and fast.
2. Cupcake is a product that is popular in the student group Children, And Adults Respectively. Can distributor
3. Government support for investments in SMEs business.
1. As a undertaking investment not much. make have competitors in many markets.
2. in the vicinity. Have a cupcake shop that is a direct competitor with the store.
3. Economic uncertainty is the variability. May affect the price of product. And the impact of consumer