in 1175 cotton mills
across the country, representing a major occupational
group (Datt and Sundaram, 1998). Exposure to cotton
dust has long been associated with adverse respiratory
effects and diminished lung function, which is most
evident as byssinosis, a chest tightness experienced by
workers on the first day back after a weekend or vacation
break (Schilling, 1956; Roach and Schilling, 1960 and
in 1175 cotton millsacross the country, representing a major occupationalgroup (Datt and Sundaram, 1998). Exposure to cottondust has long been associated with adverse respiratoryeffects and diminished lung function, which is mostevident as byssinosis, a chest tightness experienced byworkers on the first day back after a weekend or vacationbreak (Schilling, 1956; Roach and Schilling, 1960 and
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