Modeling an FSS with a simple equivalent circuit has been
reported in [11]. In general, the FSS structures can be
categorized into patch-type elements and aperture-type
elements. Element shape is not just limited to square loops or
patches, the element can be circular rings, or others convoluted
shapes. Many factor that influence the FSS response such as
FSS's element geometry, the dielectric substrate which supports
the FSS, and the signal incident angles. The element geometry
Each shape had its own unique frequency characteristics.
Different shapes have different performance such as desirable
wide operating bandwidth and sensitive to incident angle and
perform inconsistently between vertical and horizontal signal
polarizations. The shape of the conducting element which
constitutes an FSS is unrestricted. Generally, there are four
basic groups of element shapes; Centre connected, loop types,
solid interior types, combination[12]. Element square loop
shapes is the best performance among all element shapes based
on a single layer freestanding FSS[13] . The general selective
characteristic of a square loop FSS antenna is chosen to be a
band-pass for this project. Figure 1 shows the fabricated FSS
structure using TLY-5 substrate.
is a fundamental aspect a designer should determine in FSS
design. Both the element conductivity and the dielectric
substrate's permittivity have a great influence on FSS design.