Increased funding was also needed for maintenance of KUVO's transmission equip¬ment. KUVO's transmitter was located on Lookout Mountain, in the city of Golden to the west of Denver, which was the location of numerous Denver radio station trans¬mitters. The power (wattage) of a transmitter was a critical component in the distance and quality of radio service delivered. KUVO's signal from the studio was amplified to 25,000 watts, guaranteed to deliver KUVO's sounds 60 miles in all directions. Judging from member calls, the KUVO signal reached as far north as Cheyenne, Wyoming. However, as KUVO's transmission equipment aged, there were increasing complaints of weak signaling, static, and erratic program transmission in outlying cities and counties. As cable and satellite companies increased their music and enter¬tainment offerings, radio stations were under increasing pressure to update their trans¬mission technology to match the clear sound from satellite signals.