Jeremy views his life as overwhelming, and out of control. He
understands how his capable, mature cousin took control of his life by
killing himself. Given the pressures from his manager, the fact he could
lose his home and his wife, and that she is threatening to take away his
children, the best option, as he sees it, is to take back control and
reduce the pressure i.e. by killing himself and his children. His suicide
plan is imminent given his arrangements to meet with friends and his
children. He does not want to divulge his plan because he knows the
nurse will take steps to prevent him from enacting his plan, but with
careful questioning by a skilled clinician Jeremy will hint at his plan, but
be guarded in the information he supplies, trying to divert the
conversation away from the plan, leaving the clinician which a high level
of suspicion of risk of injury or harm.