Don’t get into a bath dirty
Bathing is part of the daily routine in Japan. Baths are for relaxing though, not for getting clean. Because the Japanese have no idea why anyone would sit and soak in his or her own dirt, it is customary to shower before taking a bath. Don’t use any soap while you are soaking either, because leaving residue is a definite no no. Special heaters keep used bathwater warm, and other family members subsequently bathe in the water. In homes with small tubs, each family member bathes one by one, in order of seniority, traditionally starting with the oldest male. In homes with larger tubs, family members often bathe together. Some families then use the water to wash clothes in a washing machine.
Don’t blow your nose in public
This is considered the height of bad manners. And don’t be scared if you’re confronted by a masked man. He’s probably got a head cold and doesn’t want to spread his germs. The Japanese tend to wear face protection if infected with a cold or similar virus.
Don’t forget to bow
Bowing is the traditional form of greeting in Japan. The bow can range from a small nod to a deep bow, although for foreigners the former suffices. The longer and deeper the bow, the stronger the emotion and respect expressed. Bows are performed with the back straight and the hands at the sides (boys or men) or clasped in the lap (girls and women), and with the eyes down. Bows originate at the waist. Children normally begin learning how to bow at an early age and companies commonly provide training to their employees in how to execute bows correctly. If the other person maintains his bow for longer than the generally expected two or three seconds, it is polite to bow again, upon which one may receive another bow in return. This can lead to a long exchange of progressively lighter bows.
Don’t wear old socks
When visiting homes, temples, many museums, galleries and sometimes even changing rooms in clothes shops, you need to wear slippers. There are even lavatory slippers to use when visiting the loo. Always take off your shoes or slippers if you are about to step onto a tatami mat (a traditional flooring). With all this shoe and slipper removal, remember to wear nice socks.
Don’t miss out on the Japanese version of the Western loo
You haven’t really experienced Japan until you’ve used one of the bewilderingly high-tech Western-style lavatories. These are the Rolls-Royces of sanitary ware, complete with spray and blow-drying mechanisms, heated seats and, in some instances, musical accompaniments.
Don’t pass food to other people using hashi (chopsticks)
This action is reminiscent of how the family of the deceased transfers the bones that are left after a cremation into the urn. Remember, too, not to stick your chopsticks into a bowl of rice, as it evokes incense sticks standing in sand, typical at funerals. Also, the act of stabbing chopsticks into food resembles an action devout Buddhists perform when offering ceremonial food to ancestors at the household shrine.
Don’t burp
Unlike in other parts of East Asia, burping is considered bad manners in Japan. It’s okay to slurp, though, when eating noodles or soup.
Do keep your loose change
Tipping isn’t common in Japan and the staff may follow you out of the restaurant in order to give you back any money left behind.
Do be seated
The traditional and most formal way to sit around a low Japanese table is to kneel with your legs tucked under your body, although for most visitors this can become agonising after awhile. It’s acceptable for men to sit with their legs crossed and women to sit with their legs folded to one side.
Do be punctual
In Japan, there is no such concept as being “fashionably late.” Nothing is more out of style than getting to an appointment after the appointed time. Be sure to get there when you said you would, or better still, get there early.
Do use both hands
When accepting anything – a plate of food, a present, a business card – be sure to use two hands. In the case of a business card, when you hand yours over, make sure the type is right-side-up to the recipient.
Do be enthusiastic when greeting someone
Greetings are of extreme importance in Japanese culture. A lazy greeting is regarded with the type of disdain that would accompany a limp handshake in parts of the West. The most common greetings are ohayo gozaimasu (good morning), konnichiwa (good day, used until late afternoon), konbanwa (good evening) and oyasuminasai (good night).